Ontario Secondary School Diploma - Mathematics Courses Online at Spadina International School

Our Ontario Online Learning Courses has one Category composed of Mathematics Courses, that allows students to start on any day of the year and progress through the work entirely at their own pace within twelve (12) months. In mathematics Courses, Students learn to know about the subjects like Mathematics and its Mathematical Operations. They learn about Algebra, its formulae, Calculus, and more in-depth operations, Courses based on such concepts are given below.

You can explore the Courses according to Grades as well:

MTH1W Mathematics, Grade 9

This course enables students to consolidate, and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy. Students will use mathematical processes, mathematical modelling, and coding to make sense of the mathematics they are learning and to apply their understanding to culturally responsive and relevant real-world situations. Students will continue to enhance their mathematical reasoning skills, including proportional reasoning, spatial reasoning, and algebraic reasoning, as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MFM2P Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10

10th Grade Online Courses enable students to consolidate their understanding of linear relations and extend their problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and hands-on activities. Students will develop and graph equations in analytic geometry; solve and apply linear systems, using real-life examples; and explore and interpret graphs of quadratic relations. Students will investigate similar triangles, the trigonometry of right triangles, and the measurement of three-dimensional figures. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MEL3E Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life | Grade 11

This Ontario Online Learning 11th Grade Course introduces basic features of the function by extending students’ experiences with quadratic relations. It focuses on quadratic, trigonometric, and exponential functions and their use in modeling real-world situations. Students will represent functions numerically, graphically, and algebraically; simplify expressions; solve equations; solve problems relating to applications. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MEL4E Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 12

This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in the workplace and in daily life. Students will analyze informational, graphic, and literary texts and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms for workplace-related and practical purposes. An important focus will be on using language accurately and organizing ideas and information coherently. The course is intended to prepare students for the workplace and active citizenship.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MHF4U Advanced Functions - University Preparation, Grade 12

In MHF4U Advanced Functions – University Preparation – Mathematics course, Students will investigate the properties of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; develop techniques for combining functions; broaden their understanding of rates of change; and develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MCV4U Calculus and Vectors - University Preparation, Grade 12

This course builds on students’ previous experience with functions and their developing
understanding of rates of change. Students will solve problems involving geometric and
algebraic representations of vectors and illustrations of lines and planes in three-dimensional space; broaden their understanding of rates of change to include the
derivatives of polynomial, sinusoidal, exponential, rational, and radical functions; and
apply these concepts and skills to the modeling of real-world relationships. Students
will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12

This course broadens students’ understanding of mathematics as it relates to managing
data. Students will apply methods for organizing and analysing large amounts of
information; solve problems involving probability and statistics; and carry out a
culminating investigation that integrates statistical concepts and skills. Students will
also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior
mathematics. Students planning to enter university programs in business, the social
sciences, and the humanities will find this course of particular interest.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

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