Ontario Secondary School Diploma - Social Studies Courses at Spadina International School

Our Ontario Online Learning Courses has one Category composed of Social Studies Courses, that allows students to start on any day of the year and progress through the work entirely at their own pace within twelve (12) months. In the Social Studies Courses, Students learn to know all about the History and Geography of Canada. They learn about the issues related to the Histroy of Canada and Geography of Canada, Courses based on such concepts are given below.

You can explore the Courses according to Grades as well:

CGC1P Issues in Canadian Geography, Grade 9

This Ontario Online Learning 9th Grade Course focuses on current geographic issues that affect Canadians. Students will draw on their personal and everyday experiences as they explore issues relating to food and water supplies, competing for land uses, interactions with the natural environment, and other topics relevant to sustainable living in Canada. They will also develop an awareness that issues that affect their lives in Canada are interconnected with issues in other parts of the world. Throughout the course, students will use the concepts of geographic thinking, the geographic inquiry process, and spatial technologies to guide and support their investigations.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

CHC2P Canadian History since WWI, Grade 10

This course focuses on the social context of historical developments and events and how they have affected the lives of people in Canada since 1914. Students will explore interactions between various communities in Canada as well as contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian heritage and identity. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating the continuing relevance of historical developments and how they have helped shape communities in present-day Canada.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

CHV2O Civics and Citizenship, Grade 10

This 10th Grade Online Course introduces students to Civics and Citizenship for the Canadian well-driven society. Students will develop a perfect in-depth understanding of living peacefully in society while covering the steps of their lives. Throughout the course, there is an emphasis on digital literacy, effective electronic research and communication skills, and current issues related to the impact of information and communication technology.

Tuition Fee:  CAD$ ℹ 

Prerequisite: None

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